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Chapter 5: Design Concepts


The purpose of this chapter is to review some of the basic things you may want to consider when you are designing your application and planning your geographic database.

Approaching the Application Design

For most applications, a review of the data is a first step in the design process. The structures and formats of that data will have an enormous effect on the solution to the problem that you have been given. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will not attempt to reproduce or replace the many excellent texts on this subject. Rather, in this chapter we will assume that you will have at least some experience with database design.

Given a problem to solve (for example, "I need a list of all of the major cities in the world that are within 50 miles of an ocean or large lake"), you first must look at the problem in detail. As usual, the problem itself is somewhat ill-defined but you will likely need to decide:

In the example problem, you will want to know just what constitutes a "major city". This could be defined by population, number of square miles covered, etc. Similarly, you will need to know what is meant by "large" lake.

As an experienced developer, you ask "Why does the client want this list"? There may be additional questions soon to follow. Since your company distributes sports fishing equipment you might guess that additional questions will have something to do with markets, sports fishing and new product lines. You might therefore anticipate subsequent questions, such as:

If you are clever, you will likely design an application where the end user can sit at a workstation and ask these questions interactively. The user could choose to adjust her/his definitions of "major" as well as develop other questions. For example, "How many of the cities are within 50 miles of a salt water coastline"?

If answers to such questions could be displayed quickly on the screen and the user could move around the globe in search of answers of evolving clarity, you would have done a reasonable job as a developer. The data attributes needed to answer these auxiliary questions might be of importance during the data acquisition process as well as the data modeling process.

Not too surprisingly, data considerations are a major element for each step in the application development process. The following outlines some of the typical data concerns you probably need to address.

Types of Data

In general, there are five categories of data that make up a database:

  1. Physical measurements - this includes any form of measurement or count. Typical attributes include geographic location, height, weight, length, time, population, density, mass, volume, pressure, etc. These are measured in appropriate units and represented with appropriate resolution.

  2. References to other tables - usually defined identifiers such as employee number. For example, in a payroll system, an employee number in a pay register may identify an entry in another table that contains the employee's age, address, telephone number, position, etc.

  3. Monetary data - usually measured in a specific currency (for example, US dollars) and represented with a specific resolution (for example, dollars and cents).

  4. Free-form descriptive material such as text (for example, "This area is considered as a wildlife sanctuary under legislation enacted in 1967 by ...".

  5. Multi-media material such as images, audio, video, etc.

    Of these five categories of data, Hipparchus works with data of the first and second categories listed above.

    Hipparchus deals almost exclusively with the attributes of geographic position. Only in specific instances does Hipparchus carry other data "along for the ride". For example, a digital elevation model (DEM) application will almost certainly associate directly the elevation datum with the surface coordinates of each observation. More typically, however, you will associate your geographic location data with other data by means of cross-references. In such cases it will be these cross-references that Hipparchus will carry along internally. (You saw an example of this in the tutorial program CITIES. There, pointers to the cities file records were carried as part of the cities point set and subsequently propagated into the derived point set cities_subset). Typically, it is your application that provides the glue that binds your geographical and non-geographical data.

    Typical Data Concerns

    Typically, you will need to be concerned about several aspects of your location data. You will need to find out the following:

    For your application, you should decide (after discussion with your clients), the following:

    Understanding Location Data

    Much of the positional data that we know today is described either directly or indirectly in terms of latitude and longitude. For example, our Geodyssey's current home office is located at N51:02:45 W114:04:48 (WGS84). (This is read as North latitude 51 degrees, 2 minutes, 45 seconds and West longitude 114 degrees, 4 minutes, 48 seconds). In planning your logical data model, these coordinates will be two of the attributes in the physical measurement category. Their nominal external precision will be known and reflected by the location data: degrees alone, degrees and minutes, degrees, minutes and seconds, etc.

    Geodetic Datum

    When looking at a source of geographic location data, you may need to be aware of its "geodetic datum". Field surveys that generated that particular set of location data were performed using a specific frame of reference. You may need to know more about that frame of reference.

    The surveyor's frame of reference has two interdependent parts: the ellipsoid and the datum:

    The Ellipsoid

    Latitude and longitude positional measurements are NOT spherical. They are ellipsoidal measurements. For example, whoever surveyed your town's boundaries calculated specific latitudes and longitudes according to an ellipsoidal model of the Earth. Over the years, the increasing sophistication of geodetic engineering has led to the specification of a large number of ellipsoidal models. They are well known to surveyors and other professionals concerned with the measurement of the Earth's surface.

    Hipparchus has the computational specifications for some 34 ellipsoidal models, some historical and some currently in use. You can choose one of these or supply your own model. You do this using the h4_SetEllipsoidParameters function. To get an idea of the numeric differences between these reference ellipsoids, consider the physical location of a point having a particular latitude and longitude. Under a change of the reference ellipsoid, the apparent location may be altered by as little as one meter or by as much as several hundred meters.

    The Datum

    The central element of the surveyor's frame of reference is the datum. This is a reference to a specific network of relatively few, but also relatively high precision position observations, adjusted on a regional or continental basis to account for differences between adjacent observations of specific features. These are known as control points. The agreed adjusted position of these control points forms the basis for a hierarchy of agreed regional and local positions, such as benchmarks and other monuments. In practice, the main body of local survey data is based on observations of distances and angles to or from nearby monuments and benchmarks.

    Since the adjustment of network control points varies from one region to another, reconciliation of local observations recorded under different datums can be done only by computationally intensive local comparison and statistical inference rather than by a mathematical transformation between reference ellipsoids. If your application demands such a reconciliation, plan on consulting an experienced survey professional!

    In different parts of the world, surveying is practiced more or less independently, often without reference to the same ellipsoids and, most certainly, without reference to the same datums. Historic survey reports for positions on different continents (or at sea) are therefore basically incommensurate. Distances and angles between such data must be understood to be approximate.

    The good news is that modern satellite and astronomic survey techniques promise a new generation of accurate, high-volume, commensurate position information, reconcilable both locally and globally!

    If your application demands high precision and you do not know the frame of reference for your source data, you will have an important question to resolve before commissioning the application. However, if you are less concerned about precision or cannot immediately determine the frame of reference, you should select one of the more recent models (e.g., for the tutorial example we used model number 34, "World Geodetic System, 1984").

    For a complete discussion of this subject, we suggest you refer to Surveying Theory and Practice described in Appendix B: References.

    "Flat-Earth" Coordinates

    A widespread method for the expression of local positional data is a pair of "flat-Earth" (x-y) positional coordinates giving a location in one of the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) or "state plane" projections. Just as for latitude and longitude coordinates, the nominal external precision of these "flat-Earth" coordinates will be known and reflected by their units of measure: meters, millimeters, etc. Although expressed as planar "flat-Earth coordinates", they are usually derived indirectly from survey observations based on a specific ellipsoid and datum.

    Logical Data Design

    Once you have learned more about your problem and the nature of the data involved, you can set about to develop your logical data model. Using the sample question regarding the "major cities within 50 miles of an ocean or large lake", you might look for information sources that would help answer your questions.

    Let us assume that you have located the data that provides the information that you need to answer the initial question. The data might logically be represented as columns in two relational database tables:

    Cities table:

    1. Name
    2. Location
    3. Population

    Coastline vertices table:

    1. Coast
    2. Vertex number
    3. Vertex location.

    In a conventional relational database, these tables could be be intersected on their common column, location to yield a list of cities lying on a coast, but only if their was an explicit and exact match of location attributes. So what is the reason for mentioning this logical data modeling approach?

    The reason is that with the power of the Hipparchus spatial operators, you can logically combine such tables to come up with the answers to questions such as those posed in our hypothetical sport fishing equipment manufacturing example. In fact that's exactly what we did in Chapter 4: Getting Started.

    As conjectured earlier, you anticipate some additional questions about population, sports fishing equipment manufacturers and salt water. You have located additional information that might be useful. Logically, it might look like this:

    Sports Fishing Equipment Manufacturer Table:

    1. Name of manufacturer
    2. Name of city

    Water Salinity Measurements Table:

    1. Geographic location
    2. Salinity reading

    In the example, you now have four logical tables of input data. With these tables alone, you ought to be able to use Hipparchus to find answers to the additional questions anticipated.

    Logical object manipulation is one of the great strengths of the Hipparchus approach. In the tutorial example, you asked for a form of logical intersection of a point set object and a line set object. Now let us explore more generally just what makes up an object.

    Hipparchus Objects

    Hipparchus objects are the building blocks or "variables" used to calculate spatial relationships between things, conditions or events. Hipparchus objects are of course only an abstraction of reality. They nevertheless convey the whereabouts of things. They can represent the position of things that exist on the surface of the Earth, below the surface, in the atmosphere, or in the near space surrounding the Earth.

    Objects are not constrained in any way by geography. They may be used to describe things as large or as small as you need to model the features you have in mind.

    Hipparchus works with three types of objects:

    More precisely, Hipparchus works with three canonical forms of these objects: point sets, line sets and regions (bounding ring sets). With these three basic forms you can describe almost any geographic feature imaginable.

    A Point Set object (Pset) may consist of a single point or a group of points. For example, in the tutorial program CITIES, you constructed a point set consisting of the locations of a set of cities. You then derived a new object which was the subset of cities meeting the proximity criterion. Other examples of point sets are:

    As mentioned, the set of points may consist of just one point. The set may also be empty.

    A Line Set object (Lset) is defined by ordered sets of point locations. Any two successive point locations define a line segment. Segments are "straight" lines (geodesics). Two or more segments define a line. The points are said to be vertices of the line. A line has directional sense: a line from A to B is distinct from a line from B to A. A line set object may consist of a group of zero, one or more lines. Examples include the following:

    A Region object (Rset) consists of an area of interest that has some specific characteristics. The term "region" is somewhat synonymous with "boundary ring set". A region is defined by ordered sequences of points forming closed rings. The region being defined lies on the left side of the directed line forming the ring. The region may be "not simply connected" which means that you can define multiple rings (for example, an island group) or rings within rings (for example, an island in a lake on an island). Examples of regions include:

    Working with these three primary classes of objects, you can create new objects, such as the following:

    Once you have developed the initial objects from your data, creation of new objects based on spatial unions and intersections is an easy task using the Hipparchus Library functions for object manipulation. These are found in section h7 of the Hipparchus Library.

    This topic is revisited in Chapter 7: Refining Your Design.

    Modeling Objects

    Modeling can sometimes be described as an art form. In using a powerful tool like Hipparchus we suggest that you follow the golden rule of modeling:

    Always model reality rather than a model of reality

    In other words, it is better to create a direct model of the physical world rather than a model of another model already derived or conceived.

    For example, if you have a set of meteorological reporting locations that provide temperature and pressure, the golden rule tells you to create an object based on the measurement points themselves, rather than one based on isotherms or isobars. Isotherms and isobars are developed by others as models of the weather situation. If you know how, isobars and isotherms can be created "on-the-fly" at any time. They are merely objects derived from physical observations made at specific geographic points. (Of course, if you have no ready access to the observational data, you may have to make do with published isotherms and isobars).

    Geographic Image Data

    Many geographic applications deal with image data. Our definition of geographic image data includes:

    In some applications, you may wish to use such image data as a visual reference for your users, permitting them to identify the geographic locations of specific image features or to create vector objects by tracing with a mouse. For example, a ship's captain might want to know the precise latitude and longitude of an iceberg seen in a satellite image of Davis Straight. In another example, a forester might want to trace on an aerial photo the proposed routing for his logging trucks.

    Hipparchus provides functions that let your users adjust the plane of the display so that it coincides approximately with the arbitrary plane of a bit-mapped image. Then, using standard Hipparchus unmapping functions, mouse coordinates can be projected back to the surface of the ellipsoid, and a vector data object created. As you might expect, you can also display other vector data in this arbitrary plane, overlaying the reference image.

    In other more complex image processing applications, you may be processing each pixel of the image, adjusting shades of grey or false color. Should your application require geographic alignment of image data on a pixel by pixel basis, then Hipparchus can be used to advantage. In such cases, the image data likely would be treated as a point set vector object. This is discussed later in this chapter and more extensively in Chapter 7: Refining Your Design.

    In any case, Hipparchus can provide significant benefits in indexing such image data. With Hipparchus, you will be able to dramatically accelerate geographic image retrieval times. This capability in explained in Chapter 6: Working with Cells.

    Physical Data File Design

    When implementing applications with Hipparchus, you communicate with Hipparchus entirely via memory structures. The Hipparchus Library functions will know nothing about your external data files. So, part of your physical data file design must necessarily deal with how your data is going to be organized once it's been brought into memory. You should address this issue first, then tackle the external file design. Memory modeling considerations may influence dramatically your external physical database design. Of course, you will probably do a bit of both before firming up your plans.

    The first thing you will need to know for your memory design is the maximum number of data items you will need to deal with at any one time. The second thing you will need to know is the precision required for the location attributes. Externally, location attributes may be expressed in a wide variety of formats and precisions. However, once brought into memory for processing by Hipparchus, location items will be represented by a very limited number of canonical forms, ranging from a maximum of thirty-two bytes per point or vertex to a minimum of just two bytes per point or vertex. This topic is addressed in detail in Chapter 7: Refining Your Design and again in Chapter 12: Advanced Topics.

    External File Design

    You will next need to consider the form that your data should have in its external storage medium (for example, hard disk). This does not have to be the same as the form it takes when in memory for processing. There are of course a large number of factors to consider when deciding on an external database design.

    Since you communicate with Hipparchus via internal memory structures only, your external design is not dictated by Hipparchus. You are free to organize your external data in whatever way seems best, using whatever file system or DBMS you like.

    Your design for the external data store could be critical to achieving performance goals, especially if the application is designed to interact with the user. For this reason, we will address some of the design issues that can significantly affect the overall performance of your application.

    Static Versus Dynamic Location Data

    As mentioned earlier, by far the largest volume of geographic location data is static. Examples of static location data are terrain elevations, bathymetry, coastlines, rivers, lakes, administrative boundaries and historic events or observations. Although perhaps occasionally updated, these objects typically remain unchanged for the life cycle of the applications employing them. And, if updated, the new versions can be imported into the application in their entirety, replacing the earlier versions. The original object data file creation and subsequent updates, if any, will typically be performed by batch processes, off-line from the application. The application will generally treat such objects as read-only, so their integrity is seldom an issue, nor is simultaneous multi-user access an issue.

    Considering the foregoing, we strongly recommend the use of simple file system solutions for the design of your static external application data. (Remember that your static geographic location data can be linked to other more dynamic application data located in other files or databases via simple "tag-along" attribute references such as flight or sales office identifier).

    By contrast, consider some examples of application location data that is clearly dynamic. Almost any location data that pertains to current or planned human activity and events will be dynamic in nature. Examples of such objects are: satellite trajectories, aircraft flight plans, shipping orders, sales distribution, demographics, etc. These are typically small in their geographic extent or data volume. Applications that deal with such objects will likely need to consider on-line (or at least frequent off-line) data update procedures and all that go with them: backups, permissions, record locking, referential integrity, etc.

    Even here, if the data volumes are not daunting, you might well consider the use of simple flat file solutions, relying on the use of text editors or simple application procedures to enforce the access or update rules.

    Only if the data volumes are very large or the update and access rules very demanding should you consider the use of an orthodox Data Base Management System (DBMS) for the external storage of your application's geographic location data.

    Flat Files

    Whether your application geographic location data is static or dynamic, you should consider the use of simple "flat files". These might be appropriate in instances where either the object count or point/vertex volume is modest or where the planned use of objects mandates that they be brought into memory in their entirety. (Both of these conditions applied in the simple application introduced in Chapter 4: Getting Started. Flat files can be ASCII or binary. If they are to be shared with other applications, then ASCII would be better. But if they are to be used only by the one application on a single platform type, and if the point/vertex is higher, then a binary record format might be considered.

    Hipparchus Binary Objects

    Another binary file option that may be open for consideration is the use of "Memory Mapped" files. In this option (if offered by your operating system), you may treat the application external objects as persistent memory objects that are mapped into your computer's virtual memory disk swap space. Such objects may be considered by an application to be either static or dynamic. (Both the Galileo for Windows 95 workbench and the Georama for Windows 95 Atlas programs demonstrate the use of such files).

    Even very large Hipparchus Binary Objects may be processed in situ, without the need to be brought in to memory in their entirety. This means that very large objects (such as the the supplied "Dry Land of the World" region object) can very efficiently be intersected with a user display window or any other local selection region.

    For Hipparchus Binary Objects, the only limitation to size or complexity is the host system's virtual memory disk swap space allocation.

    Spatial Indexing for Your External Data

    If your application geographic location data is at all voluminous, you will need a plan for the creation and maintenance of an effective indexing mechanism. This is a method for quickly finding specific data that is stored externally.

    Your application may have indexing requirements that are independent of your data's location attributes. For example, in a personnel application, data about people would normally be indexed by the person's name, not by the person's location.

    The chances are, however, that if your application deals with geographic relationships, you will need to index at least some of your data by location. This is called "spatial indexing".

    The construction of an efficient spatial index is possibly the most critical design factor for your application. This alone may "make or break" the practicality of your planned application. Hipparchus offers significant performance advantages in this important aspect of your application design.

    In Chapter 7: Refining Your Design we introduce a number of simple indexed file options that require only the basic C/C++ run-time library stream i/o facilities. But whether you opt for one of these simple file designs or for a more generalized DBMS, you will need to understand your options for a spatial index, which are introduced in Chapter 6: Working With Cells, following immediately.


    General application development rules apply. The incorporation of location-specific information using Hipparchus is relatively straightforward. You convert your location information into the internal Hipparchus notation. Geographical objects are modeled as point sets, line sets or regions. These objects can be of unrestricted size and complexity. Objects can be manipulated with ease. Your data can be stored externally in many ways using simple flat files, memory-mapped files, simple indexed stream i/o files or a DBMS of your choice. For high-volume external application location data, its spatial indexing may be the most important performance issue.

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