The purpose of this chapter is to get started by developing a complete application using Hipparchus. As Plato said, "We learn by doing". So let's do it! (If you are not a programmer or perhaps lack access to the required C/C++ language programming development environment, you may still benefit by study of this chapter).
For this application, you will need the following:
Your Hipparchus Software Development Kit (SDK) provides:
To get started, we recommend the following steps:
Running the Hipparchus "smoke tests" will assure you that the Hipparchus Library has been correctly located and that your development environment is set up properly.
If you want to integrate Hipparchus with your chosen development tools (DBMS, GUI, etc.), we suggest that you first consult the reference material for those products. The source for the sample application programs accompanying Hipparchus (such as GALILEO and GEORAMA) will demonstrate a number of ways in which Hipparchus can be integrated with the Windows 95/98 or NT4+ graphic environments. With the source code of these programs as a guide, the integration of Hipparchus with a specific GUI should be relatively easy.
Suppose that you are an application developer supporting the marketing department of a sports fishing equipment firm. The marketing folks always have interesting new problems for you to solve. Today, they have asked you for help on a critical new marketing initiative.
Problem: Find the names of major cities in the world that lie within 50 miles of an ocean or major lake. Your objectives are clear.
Given some experience with Hipparchus, you are justifiably confident of quickly providing the answers. You make up a plan for the application. In "pseudo-code", it looks like this:
The following material will expand on each of these steps, illustrating one way you could write a C/C++ language program for this application. Note that this tutorial application will assume clean data and no graphical user interface. Real world applications would of course need additional "bullet-proofing" for actual use. Our intent here is only to show how simple it is to use Hipparchus to build the application.
For easy cross reference to the functions and structures we'll be using, you may at this time want to point your Internet Web browser to the start of the Hipparchus Library Reference Manual, which starts with a HELP file called "Intro.htm".
For openers, you must refer to a set of headers as shown below:
/* Hipparchus "Cities" Demonstration Program 3.2. */ /* Copyright (c) Geodyssey Limited 1992,2001. All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* Title: Cities near coastlines. Filename: CITIES.C. */ /* */ /* Program to find major cities in proximity to world coastlines. */ /* */ /* Usage: */ /* */ /* cities [tix_path [coastlines_path [cities_path [proximity]]]] */ /* ________________________________________________________________ */ /* Standard Headers */ #include <stdio.h> /* standard input output header */ /* Hipparchus Library definitions for: */ /* - manifest constants */ /* - system and other constants */ /* - elementary data types */ /* - data structures and unions */ /* - function long names */ /* - function prototypes */ /* - macros */ #include <hipparch.h> /* Hipparchus Auxiliary Library definitions */ /* - additional definitions to support selected h0 functions */ #include <hippttys.h>
Since you are only going to print out a list of the cities, your program is going to be very simple in the input/output department. Yes, your application would be a lot more exciting if you could see the world coastlines on a color screen and have the major cities within 50 miles of big bodies of water highlighted in a different color. It would also be exciting to move around the globe and zoom in on the cities of Europe or Asia. But you've got to crawl before you walk! You can add these enhancements later.
Next, you define a few parameters and constants for your program and supply the prototype for your main function. If you don't want to copy the requisite input files into your current directory, you may wish to modify the statements that define the manifest constants TIX_PATH, COASTLINES_PATH and CITIES_PATH. Alternatively, you could override these items from the command line at run time.
/* Program global definitions */ #define TIX_PATH "isotype.tix" /* path to Voronoi index file */ #define COASTLINES_PATH "coast.lns" /* path to coastlines file */ #define CITIES_PATH "cities.pts" /* path to cities file */ #define WGS_84 34 /* ellipsoid index */ #define WORKSPACE 100000 /* workspace for engine use */ #define PROXIMITY 50 /* proximity criterion (miles) */ #define MILES_TO_METERS 1609.344 /* conversion factor */ #define LINE_LENGTH 256 /* max line length for data file input */ #define ITEM_LENGTH 128 /* max item length for character string */ /* Program file function prototypes */ int main(int, char **); /* main function prototype */
In the next part, you begin by declaring your main function and then declaring the various local variables and structures that will be referenced in the body of the program. These will be described as we go along.
/* ================================================================ */ /* Main Program */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ellprms eparms; /* structure for ellipsoid parameters */ struct vix_dscr vxd; /* Hipparchus Voronoi index descriptor */ struct wrk_dscr wkd; /* Hipparchus workspace descriptor */ struct hp1d coast_lines; /* world coastlines line set object */ struct hp0d cities, /* world cities point set object */ cities_subset; /* derived point set object */ void *workspace; /* workspace pointer */ FILE *file_ptr; /* generic file pointer */ long record_ptr; /* file record pointer */ char tix_path[128] = TIX_PATH, /* Voronoi index path */ coastlines_path[128] = COASTLINES_PATH, /* coastlines path */ cities_path[128] = CITIES_PATH; /* cities path */ double proximity = PROXIMITY; /* specified proximity (miles) */ char record[LINE_LENGTH]; /* storage space for one input record */ char item_a[ITEM_LENGTH], /* parser extraction string */ item_b[ITEM_LENGTH], /* parser extraction string */ item_c[ITEM_LENGTH]; /* parser extraction string */ char *string_ptr; /* generic pointer for character string work */ /* Pointers to stack or queue elements containing the */ /* point/vertex global direction cosine coordinates only: */ struct ptmp_gl *vertex_ptr, /* generic ptr to a line vertex */ *queue1_head, /* specific line set queue head */ *queue1_tail; /* specific line set queue tail */ /* Pointers to stack or queue elements containing */ /* point/vertex global direction cosine coordinates */ /* plus associated arbitrary data or a pointer: */ struct ptmp_gld *city_ptr, /* generic ptr to a city element */ *stack1_top, /* specific stack top pointer */ *stack2_top; /* specific stack top pointer */ struct e_ltln global_coordinates; /* radian latitude/longitude */ struct s_vct3 location; /* direction cosines vector */ int result; /* for receiving int values returned by functions */
Next, you begin the executable part of the program. First, you put out a message announcing commencement of the program. Then you process any optional command line override parameters. (For your first test of the program, you should check the default settings by running without any of these parameters specified).
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ fprintf(stdout, "%s:\n" "Find cities in proximity to coastlines.\n", argv[0]); /* Optional overrides of default pathnames and proximity */ if (argc > 1) { strcpy(tix_path, argv[1]); if (argc > 2) { strcpy(coastlines_path, argv[2]); if (argc > 3) { strcpy(cities_path, argv[3]); if (argc > 4) proximity = atof(argv[4]); } } }
Next, you must allocate and initialize some memory workspace for Hipparchus internal operations. To do this you use the Hipparchus functions h1_Malloc and h6_WorkspaceInit. h1_Malloc is a pass-through function, the equivalent of the standard malloc, provided in this form so that you can (if necessary) port your code by substituting for h1_Malloc. h6_WorkspaceInit requires three parameters, the address of a workspace descriptor block, a workspace pointer and the size (in bytes) of the workspace. (For a complete discussion of these and other related functions, see the Hipparchus Library Reference Manual). Your workspace allocation statements will look like these:
/* Allocate work space for internal use by the Hipparchus engine. */ workspace = h1_Malloc(WORKSPACE); if (workspace) h6_WorkspaceInit(&wkd, workspace, WORKSPACE); else { fprintf(stderr, "1. Insufficient heap memory available.\n"); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "Hipparchus workspace allocated.\n"); /* DEBUG */
On our advice, you allocate 100,000 bytes of storage for your workspace. This is not an unreasonable amount of space. It will be used internally by the higher-level Hipparchus functions (h6 and above). Later on in Chapter 7: Refining Your Design you will learn how this requirement can be estimated.
Scientists have established a number of ellipsoidal models of the Earth. You need to either pick one of these or supply your own.
Hipparchus will be calculating positions and distances on the basis of the specific model you choose. To begin, you must allocate space for and then initialize a table of ellipsoidal geometry parameters. For the tutorial example, you can assume that the application requires the World Geodetic System 1984 ellipsoidal model (not that it matters that much for this application). You initialize your table using the h4_SetEllipsoidParameters function. This requires three arguments:
/* Set ellipsoid parameters to a specific model. */ h4_SetEllipsoidParameters(WGS_84, &eparms, NULL); fprintf(stderr, "Ellipsoid parameters set okay.\n"); /* DEBUG */
The manifest constant WGS_84, set to 34 in the preamble, selects standard ellipsoid number 34. The structure eparms will receive the ellipsoid parameters. The structure type eparms is defined in hipparch.h. The third argument, NULL, indicates that you are not interested in the ellipsoid's name.
Hipparchus comes with several pre-defined Voronoi cell structures. Each of these provides a complete coverage of the Earth. As you'll see later on, there can be any number of Voronoi cell structures, each of which may be defined externally in at least three distinct formats. The one we'll use for this application is called ISOTYPE.TIX. To establish the cell index in memory, you simply invoke the h0_LoadTix function as shown below. This dynamically allocates heap memory, loads the external cell index structure file and updates a small pre-allocated Voronoi index descriptor (vxd). You need only provide the h0_LoadTix function with the opened filename of the external Voronoi cell structure, the address of a receiving Voronoi index descriptor and an allocation method indicator.
/* Load Voronoi cell structure. */ file_ptr = fopen(tix_path, "rb"); if (file_ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "2. Unable to open file %s\n", tix_path); exit(1); } result = h0_LoadTix(file_ptr, &vxd, H6_RTBL_ALLOC_WHOLE); if (result) { fprintf(stderr, "3. h0_LoadTix error %d.\n", result); exit(1); } fclose(file_ptr); fprintf(stderr, "Voronoi cell structure loaded okay.\n"); /* DEBUG */
NOTE: The function h0_LoadTix is a member of the Hipparchus Auxiliary Library. The prototype for this function is defined in hippttys.h. If you have already compiled your own version of HIPPAUXL.LIB, you should include it in your compiler/linker's library path. Otherwise, you should append a copy of the Hipparchus Auxiliary Library source file H0LTIX.C to the CITIES.C source file. While you are at it you may as well append copies of H0PARS.C, H0CSAA.C and H0FVIX.C. They are the source files for h0_ParseString, h0_StringToAngle and h0_FreeVix, respectively, referenced later. Their prototypes are also defined in hippttys.h.
The Hipparchus SDK provides a ready-to-use set of points that describe the major coastlines of the world. The data is supplied as a file of ASCII information. The file consists of a set of latitude/longitude records. Each coordinate pair represents a point on a coastline. Points taken in sequence form the outline of an "island", "continent" or "lake". Each sequence is terminated with a special marker record having an asterisk ("*") in its first position. You can read this data one record at a time and use the Hipparchus parser h0_ParseString to pick out the latitude/longitude coordinates for each point. Of course, you must check for the asterisk to detect the end of each piece of coastline. Back-to-back asterisk marker records signal the end of the line set. In this example you can just read ahead to the end of the file, assuming that the back-to-back markers are there.
Note: the sample code presented in this tutorial makes use of dynamic memory management and linked-list queuing techniques. We will not be explaining these techniques in this tutorial. If you find that you need help in this area, we recommend the text by Thomas Plum described in Appendix C: Bibliography.
For each line of the set, you convert these coordinates to the internal Hipparchus notation, placing the results onto a "queue". Line and line set ending markers go on the queue too, identified as such by the UNDEF entry.
Note: You use a "queue" here because your data is ordered in a specific way. You want Hipparchus to work with it in the same order you read it from the external file. In the context of Hipparchus the term "queue" means specifically a "first in, first out" (FIFO) singly-linked list, usually comprised of elements allocated from the system memory heap using h1_Malloc.
/* Read text file of line segment coordinates for a line set */ /* defining the most significant coastlines of the world. */ /* Isolate the latitude/longitude coordinates for each vertex. */ /* Convert coordinates to internal Hipparchus global form. */ /* Stash line segment vertices in a FIFO memory queue. */ file_ptr = fopen(coastlines_path, "rt"); if (file_ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "4. Error in opening file %s\n", coastlines_path); exit(1); } queue1_head = queue1_tail = NULL; /* initialize queue pointers */ while (string_ptr = fgets(record, LINE_LENGTH, file_ptr)) { string_ptr = h0_ParseString(string_ptr, item_a, ITEM_LENGTH); if (*item_a == '*') { /* detect line ending marker */ location.di = UNDEF; /* encode line ending marker */ } else { string_ptr = h0_ParseString(string_ptr, item_b, ITEM_LENGTH); /* Convert coordinates to radian measure. */ = h0_StringToAngle(item_a, "+Nn", "-Ss"); global_coordinates.lng = h0_StringToAngle(item_b, "+Ee", "-Ww"); /* Check the coordinates. */ if ( == UNDEF) { fprintf(stderr, "5. Error in latitude item.\n"); exit(1); } if (global_coordinates.lng == UNDEF) { fprintf(stderr, "6. Error in longitude item.\n"); exit(1); } /* Convert ellipsoidal global latitudes/longitudes to */ /* Hipparchus sphere conformal direction cosines */ h4_EllipsoidToHpsph(&eparms, &global_coordinates, &location); } /* Allocate heap space for vertex queue element. */ vertex_ptr = (struct ptmp_gl *)h1_Malloc(sizeof(struct ptmp_gl)); if (vertex_ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "7. No more heap space available.\n"); exit(1); } /* Enqueue vertex queue element */ if (queue1_head == NULL) queue1_head = vertex_ptr; /* head */ else queue1_tail->next = vertex_ptr; /* prev element next ptr */ queue1_tail = vertex_ptr; /* set queue tail */ queue1_tail->next = NULL; /* set next element ptr */ queue1_tail->s_point = location; /* insert location */ } /* end of while loop for the coastlines input */ fprintf(stderr, "World coastlines read in okay.\n"); /* DEBUG */ fclose(file_ptr);
With the coastline data now enqueued in memory, you then pass the name of the queue to the Hipparchus line set constructor to build a Hipparchus line set object representing the world coastlines.
/* Now convert internal queue of coastlines to a line set object */ result = h7_GlobalToLset(&vxd, &wkd, NULL, &coast_lines, 1, 0, H_FLOAT_RES, 1, (struct ptmp_gld *)queue1_head); if (result > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "9. GlobalToLset error %d.\n", result); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "Coastlines converted okay.\n"); /* DEBUG */
The constructor function h7_GlobalToLset takes nine operands which you might review in the Hipparchus Library Reference Manual. Note here however that the reference to the queue element pointer (queue1_head) has been cast to conform with the type of the operand defined in the prototype. This is because these queue elements are of type struct ptmp_gl, a subset of type struct ptmp_gld.
Since you won't need the queued data any longer, you can remove it.
/* Free the coastlines point queue, element by element. */ while (queue1_head != NULL) { vertex_ptr = queue1_head; queue1_head = queue1_head->next; h1_Free(vertex_ptr); }
Now, you need to read in your list of cities together with their locations and other information. The Hipparchus SDK provides a file of ASCII data describing the locations and place names of cities of the world. For each city, you need to convert the latitude and longitude to the internal Hipparchus notation. You use nearly the same process you used to read in the world coastlines data. For each city, you will parse, convert and enqueue its location information. You will also have to capture and set aside for possible later use its record pointer within the cities file. You can ignore any markers in this file. Since the order of the cities is unimportant to Hipparchus, you can use a somewhat simpler form of queue called a "stack".
Note: A "stack" is actually a "last in, first out" (LIFO) singly-linked list. In the context of Hipparchus, a "stack" should not be confused with the system memory stack which is used mainly to pass function arguments and accommodate automatic variables. In fact, you will usually allocate the elements of such "stacks" from the system heap, NOT the system stack, using h1_Malloc.
/* Read text file of city locations and names. */ /* Parse latitudes and longitudes and convert to internal form. */ /* Associate city record file pointer with city coordinates */ /* Build a LIFO stack of major city locations and file pointers. */ file_ptr = fopen(cities_path, "rt"); if (file_ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "10. Unable to open file %s.\n", cities_path); exit(1); } stack1_top = NULL; /* initial stack element */ record_ptr = 0L; /* initial record pointer */ while (string_ptr = fgets(record, LINE_LENGTH, file_ptr)){ if (*string_ptr == '*') continue; /* discard markers */ /* Extract the latitude element. */ string_ptr = h0_ParseString(string_ptr, item_a, ITEM_LENGTH); /* Extract the longitude element. */ string_ptr = h0_ParseString(string_ptr, item_b, ITEM_LENGTH); /* Convert the location coordinates to radian measure. */ = h0_StringToAngle(item_a, "+Nn", "-Ss"); global_coordinates.lng = h0_StringToAngle(item_b, "+Ee", "-Ww"); /* Check the coordinates. */ if ( == UNDEF) { /* check for bad data */ fprintf(stderr, "12. Error in latitude item.\n"); exit(1); } if (global_coordinates.lng == UNDEF) { /* check for bad data */ fprintf(stderr, "13. Error in longitude item.\n"); exit(1); } /* Convert global lat/long coordinates to internal notation. */ h4_EllipsoidToHpsph(&eparms, &global_coordinates, &location); /* Allocate heap space for "stack" element. */ city_ptr = (struct ptmp_gld *)h1_Malloc(sizeof(struct ptmp_gld)); if (city_ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "14. No more heap space available.\n"); exit(1); } /* Enqueue "stack" element. */ city_ptr->s_point = location; /* insert location coords */ city_ptr->datum.l = (hipp4_uint)record_ptr; /* record pointer */ city_ptr->next = stack1_top; /* set next item ptr */ stack1_top = city_ptr; /* set top */ record_ptr = ftell(file_ptr); /* get next record ptr */ } /* end of while loop for cities input process */ fprintf(stderr, "Cities input completed.\n"); /* DEBUG */
Now you can convert this stack of point locations into a Hipparchus point set object. As was the case for the line set constructor, the point set constructor h7_GlobalToPset takes nine operands. Note that in this case, the ninth operand was not cast.
/* Convert the "stack" of city points into a point set object. */ result = h7_GlobalToPset(&vxd, &wkd, NULL, &cities, 2, 0, H_FLOAT_RES_DATA, 0, stack1_top); if (result > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "15. Point set creation error %d.\n", result); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "Cities point set object okay.\n"); /* DEBUG */
Since we're finished with the city points input stack, we can now delete it
/* Free up the cities input stack, one by one */ while (stack1_top != NULL) { city_ptr = stack1_top; stack1_top = stack1_top->next; h1_Free(city_ptr); }
Now that you have your world coastlines and city locations in the Hipparchus internal set notation, you can use the h7_PointUxLset function to select those cities that satisfy the "within 50 miles of a coastline" criterion. You are asking for a point-line intersection of the two objects with a defined proximity criterion. You need to supply the following parameters:
/* Apply the proximity criterion to derive a new object which */ /* will be a subset of cities that are proximate to coastlines. */ fprintf(stderr, "Now checking for proximity to coastlines ...\n"); /* DEBUG */ result = h7_PsetUxLset(&vxd, &wkd, NULL, &eparms, H_AND, proximity * MILES_TO_METERS, &cities_subset, 3, 0, H_FLOAT_RES_DATA, &cities, &coast_lines); if (result > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "16. PsetUxLset error %d.\n", result); exit(1); }
h7_PsetUxLset will build the new object in the Hipparchus workspace, allocate space for the resultant object, copy it onto the heap, update the object header cities_subset and return the result status. If the function encountered any difficulties, such as running out of space in the Hipparchus workspace or on the heap, it will return a positive non-zero value. If the return value is -1, it means that the function found no points in proximity to the line set and has created a valid empty point set. Otherwise, the resultant new point set object will contain a subset of the points in the input point set, which remains unchanged. Note that the datum associated with each of the selected points, a pointer to the selected city's record in the cities file, has been copied into the new object.
If you think about it, you might realize that this set operation involves a very large number of distance calculations. For each of over 300 cities, Hipparchus will potentially have to calculate a proper geodetic distance to the closest point of about 1400 coastline segments. This multiplies to a very large number of mathematical calculations, so be prepared to wait a moment for the results.
Since we no longer need the input point or line set objects, and since they were allocated on the heap, we can release their memory using h7_ReleaseHpobj. Note that the object header structures (hp0d, hp1d) are NOT de-allocated by this process, but their internal pointers to the objects' substructures are NULL'ed.
/* Release the canonical coast_lines and cities objects. */ h7_ReleaseHpobj((struct hpobj *)(&coast_lines)); h7_ReleaseHpobj((struct hpobj *)(&cities));
To work with your set of results, namely the new object cities_subset, it is probably simplest here to convert it back to its global form as a stack of point coordinates and related name pointers. You do this with the h7_PsetToGlobal function, providing a reference to a pointer variable to receive a pointer to its top. Now it will be a simple matter to traverse the stack, extracting city records and printing them, on the fly. Note that the result of a successful h7_PsetToGlobal is a count of the number of points enqueued (which may be zero).
/* Convert derived point set to a stack of global coordinates. */ result = h7_PsetToGlobal(&vxd, NULL, &stack2_top, &cities_subset); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "18. Derived PsetToGlobal failed.\n"); exit(1); } /* Release the derived cities point set object. */ h7_ReleaseHpobj((struct hpobj *)(&cities_subset)); /* Print report heading */ fprintf(stdout, "\n%d cities within %d miles of a coastline:\n", result, (int)proximity ); /* Traverse the cities sub-set stack */ /* retrieving records of the selected cities and */ /* printing out the names of the selected cities, */ /* releasing the stack space on the fly. */ while (stack2_top != NULL) { record_ptr = (long)stack2_top->datum.l; fseek(file_ptr, record_ptr, 0); string_ptr = fgets(record, LINE_LENGTH, file_ptr); string_ptr = h0_ParseString(string_ptr, item_a, ITEM_LENGTH); string_ptr = h0_ParseString(string_ptr, item_b, ITEM_LENGTH); string_ptr = h0_ParseString(string_ptr, item_c, ITEM_LENGTH); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", item_c); city_ptr = stack2_top; stack2_top = stack2_top->next; h1_Free(city_ptr); } fprintf(stderr, "\nEnd of list.\n"); /* DEBUG */ fclose(file_ptr);
As an aside, you could easily modify your program to cycle through the list of cities and perform the intersections one at a time, printing out the city name if the intersection was satisfied. For this operation, you would use the h7_PointLsetDist function. This might be the technique of choice if you wanted to see the world coastlines on your screen and have the selected city locations highlighted with a brightly colored marker, one at a time.
Being a professional, you will finish your program by cleaning up your work. You know that the compiler will look after the system stack space management, but it is your job to free up any system heap space. For the sample program this is really not required since you have no further work to do and you are simply going to terminate execution, returning to the operating system. If your program might some day be included as part of a larger application, however, then proper clean up will be needed. This is especially true if your program is to be incorporated by others in their work.
The termination of your program looks like this:
/* Release the Voronoi index and workspace. */ h0_FreeVix(&vxd); h6_WorkspaceRelease(&wkd, workspace); fprintf(stdout, "\nEnd of Cities program.\n"); return 0; } /* end of main program */
Your program is complete. It should now be compiled, linked and run in your own C/C++ language development environment.
From the tutorial example, you have learned about some basic Hipparchus functions that you will likely use in your Hipparchus-based applications. These are:
Throughout the balance of the Hipparchus Tutorial and Programmer's Guide, we will be introducing other important functions of Hipparchus.